I have started another obsession. I began watching Dr. Who. My Step-Daughter Ryan introduced me to the Tardis, which is the vehicle the Doctor takes across space and time, so I got interested. I'd, of course, heard about Dr. Who throughout the years. But even a Sci-Fi fan like me was not really that interested before now.
Just one look at this season with Matt Smith and I was hooked. Matt Smith brings something to the show that just makes me want to watch even the shows that I don't care for. I like them just for him. So, I'm now a little ticked off to learn that Matt Smith is not going to be Dr. Who after the 7th season, the current one. Will it mean I won't watch Dr. Who after this season? Possibly and very likely. UPDATE! I just read on Wickipedia and it's cited source where he says he will stay at least until 2014! The source is from late 2012, and things could have changed, but at least it was quoting directly from the man himself.
I've watched a sampling of Dr. Who seasons from others in the past with previous Dr. Who's (Matt Smith is number 11) and I wasn't happy with them. So, Matt Smith is the only Doctor for me I guess. It is funny, Gavin has decided he loves Dr. Who, too. ANY Dr. Who. He even has a Sonic Screwdriver (the tool that fixes everything) which he has to have in hand when he watches the show.
Another TV show, and the only other one I actually watch, is The Vampire Diaries. I know, it couldn't be more different from Dr. Who, but seriously, I'm eclectic that way. I totally love the dynamics between the characters and the magic in it is pretty neat. I've always and forever loved vampires. Of course, I also read anything vampire I can get my hands on without spending a ton of money.
On Vampire Diaries right now I think Damon is sexier than Stefan so I don't understand why Elena wanted Stefan first of the two Salvatore brothers. The fact that Damon is a little bad is only a turn on instead of a turn off. Stefan is just too good. As far as the rest of the bunch, I don't really have much of an opinion of them. I just like watching them. Gavin watches this show with me too. But I think this one is more because it comes on at his bed time so he watches it in the bedroom with me while he is falling asleep. He still kind of knows what is going on and likes it. No, he doesn't get nightmares.
That is the extent of my TV watching. Nothing else interests me. It is really sad to turn on the TV, have so many channels (we only have basic and a few more), Netflicks and Hulu Plus, yet not think of a thing I truly care to watch.
I would so much rather find a book on Amazon to read. I especially like the free Indie books that are given away every single day on the Top 100 free lists. I read those voraciously. Some of them are not as big as a true book, but read two or three of them and you've got your book a day. Or for the slow reader there are tons of short stories published for free on there. Those authors can be really really good or really bad, but they all need someone to read their work and to give them ratings to let them know if they are doing well or not. How else are they going to improve?
Here is a nice wallpaper I pulled off the internet if anyone wants to grab it. |