
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pet Peeves

We all have them. Things that make us cringe and wish we could have a do-over for someone else if not for ourselves. OK, it's also a nicer way to say "things we hate." But really, they can be things are are bearable, but when seen often they can drive us up the wall. Here are some of mine:

Consistently Using Grammar Poorly

dont ya hate it when someone doesnt even bother to use there grammar right even though they have a degree from a school somewhere. they even have spell check and wont use it \ but they continue on in an email or a im never bothering to fix theyre mistakes.

Based on the above paragraph you get my point. A typo or two is excusable, but no way would I excuse the above paragraph. Believe me, I've seen almost as poorly executed e-mails sent out, and in a business setting, too. It makes me feel very embarrassed for that person. When I get it in a text consistently, from the same rule-breakers, I can become incensed. They are lazy and sad. Plus, they aren't respecting me enough to write well enough for me to even understand a small text half the time. I'm not talking about text type, either. I'm talking about true misuse of spelling and grammar.

Uphill Pass Lanes

On two lane roads when going up sloping hills there sometimes will be a space for slower moving cars to get over and allow the faster moving cars to go around them. I tend to be the faster moving vehicle. It bugs me to no end that only about 1 out of 10 of the slower moving vehicles in front of me actually will go into the right lane and let me pass. They actually will stay right in front of me when it's obvious I want to pass them and get going on my merry way. No, I'm not on their bumper. I have the correct amount of space in between us. But people, please have the common decency and courtesy to get into the slow lane when you're obviously slower.

The same thing goes for you who are riding the left passing lanes and have no business being there. When there is someone behind you going faster than you, why go against the state rules and stay in the left passing lane? You know we're not supposed to pass on the right and that the left lane is for faster moving vehicles. Just be courteous on the roads, not mean for some imagined game to play because your bored while driving. Listen to the radio or something. 

Facebook Status Updates

Too many people use Facebook as a Blog. It's not a blog. If you want to write a long post, or several, each day about yourself or your kids make up a nice page and publish it to Facebook each day. That way the update has a more permanent prettier home for it anyway. I don't think Facebook is meant as your every day woe is me page where you go to give updates about everything little Johnny or Jilly did that day. Most especially not for all the horrible stuff. Put it on a blog and publish it once a day. OK, pics go out regularly. It's just too easy. But not intimate details! Sheesh! 

If you create a blog and announce your posts on Facebook I would love to go to your blog and check it out, as much as people come to mine and look at it. I don't do daily blogs or tons of personal stuff but sometimes I do and more people tend to stop by. I appreciate that interest.

There are groups on Facebook created for discussions of a more personal nature. This rant is not meant to pick on those. 

Amazon's Top 100 Free Book List

When I go to Amazon's Free Book List I tend to expect the books listed there to be, well, free. But no. This is not always the case. There are usually a few here and there, no matter how I look them up, that will have a price and a little link to click that says "Why is this not free" underneath it. Why is that book no longer free? Shouldn't it just be no longer on the list? It's just wasting good space where another truly free book could have been in my opinion.

BTW, I love Laura Howard's book, The Forgotten Ones. I actually bought this one when it first came out. I picked this one to "pick on" mainly because I wanted to advertise it too. So, this is not at all anything against the book itself. 

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